Shrine To Life & Death

This was completed in December 2022. A Shrine to life and death (but mostly- work). Spent way too many hours on this piece and wanted it finished before the new year. I made this shrine with the intention of keeping it for myself and making it for myself. I discovered a love of mirror tiles during the process, which have already influenced my other work.
The angel holds my 8 of Pentacles pendant, my favorite tarot card and a personal ode to the pleasures of creating your own work. The angel’s wings have amber beads from Poland hanging from them. The warmth of amber protects you from negative energies. The angel and the two people all hold bedazzled skulls. The baby wears one as a mask. A reminder that everything is temporary on this mortal plane. There are two dice within larger plastic dice by the feet of the two people. I accept that some things cannot be planned and must be left to chance. The angel holds a scepter with an amber bead layered in it. It is the angel’s duty to protect. The angel wings are covered in mirror tiles to deflect the energy of others and instead reflect it back to them. Those with positive intentions will be blessed & those with negative ones will have to confront themselves.
I am happy that this piece will watch over my desk shrine, which is my workplace. Been wanting a protective angel for a long while. ✨✨✨

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